Thursday, May 6, 2010

There haven't been a lot of times when something really struck me as spot on thinking, the below excerpt from Geoff Livingstons blog ( is one of those times.

His thoughts on the personal, one-on-one relationships that are built through social media really resonates deeply with me. It's not so much the ding on corporate communication, because I think he believes (and so do I) that mass communication is important, it's the addition of the new communication, through social media, that holds NEW power.


“So what’s an organization to do? Stop content publishing, stop pushing your spiel. Start talking, practice the law of natural attraction, bring your network to you by becoming part of the larger ecosystem. It’s what Dell and LiveStrong and so many other successes have done.

When you let go of the postured brand control methods of mass media communications, and become a contributing part of ecosystems, things start to happen. You see organizations entrenched within larger conversations. People start paying attention, and a community starts to take hold.

When nonprofits and companies get over themselves and all of their contrived communications — like an awkward young adult finding themselves — they are able to focus on the big picture, and participate online in meaningful ways. They can add social to their larger communications mix as a real means to begin conversations with stakeholders. Whether that’s for fundraising/sales, community relations/customer service or volunteers/community loyalty, it really can happen on the social web.”

I believe that the need to connect is such an amazing thing - and I wonder how my professional life and network would be different today if social media had been around when I first started out.

I encourage the young and the old to get into the game now - there is so much to gain and if done right, with heart and sincerity, there is little to lose.

P.S. - Thanks Barbara for connecting me to this!

Volunteer of the week - May 6, 2010

Peter O’Brien
Marriott International
Association Account Executive

Peter has been a consistent and passionate presence on the Network for the Needy Committee for several years. In addition to sharing thoughtful, creative insight, and ideas on yearly committee projects; Peter participates in Hospitality Helping Hands (HHH) each year in our Annual Meeting host cities. To each HHH activity he brings a willingness to share his team leading skills - coaching and/or helping lead painting, landscaping, home re-building, etc.

Thanks for all you do Peter!