Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Value of PCMA Membership to You and Your Organization

These are some crazy times we live in – no doubt about it. With everyone strapped for time and resources to get their goals accomplished and in many instances exceed them – the pressure to succeed has never been higher.

The concept of ROI for a membership to a professional organization is nothing new. Recently I came up with some key questions people need to answer to help them figure out the ROI of PCMA membership. I share these with all of you to help you articulate what PCMA means to you and to your organization.

As pressures continue to prove value – take the time to reflect and I’m sure you will come out with a rich story of what PCMA has done for you!

1. How many business deals have you put together based on your connections with PCMA?

2. What does your network look like and how many of those relationships are because of PCMA?

3. What special deals/pricing, etc. have you been able to negotiate because of your connections through PCMA?

4. What programs/technologies have you implemented in your own organization because of the education gained at PCMA?

5. What leadership skills have you grown/gained through volunteer work for PCMA (HQ or Chapter)?

6. What plans do you have in place that came out of the education/inspiration you received from participating in PCMA?

I am sure there are more – what questions do you use to evaluate your membership? Love to hear them!