Monday, August 24, 2009


Hey there. So PCMA is using a product called Crowdvine to help annual meeting attendees connect with each other and it also filters Tweets and Facebook and all that cool, fun stuff. Today is the first day and it's pretty fun.

Last week at ASAE I attended a lot of sessions about social media and the importance of it in your organization. Below are some nuggets that I learned and hope that you find it helpful.

- Engagement Pyramid - Curators at the top, Producers, Commenters, Sharers and Watchers (at the bottom)
- Can't tell ROI on the technology, but you can tell ROI on the goals for participants in that technology
- Let go of control - in a true relationship you don't own all the control
- Define the sandbox - that is define the walls that the organization is willing to let people play in
- Focus on relationships - not technology
- Start small, but start
- Authenticity - be open
- Bravery - try new things
- Comment on your own blog - as many others might be afraid to "be the first"
- Brand videos with logos
- Keep videos short (under 3 min)
- ROI - create goals against: 1) # of members; 2) # of discussions; 3) # of tweets

Do you have any to share?


1 comment:

PCMA Membership Blog said...

I forgot to mention some helpful websites:

1. - to register your name with all sorts of sites (for FREE)