Thursday, August 30, 2007

Laser Focus

Have you heard of the Barbershop Harmony Society? PCMA member John Schneider (Director of Events) works with this organization. This is a society that is singularly focused with a very clear and concise mission. I'm amazed by this group - to have such clear focus and vision of who they are and why they are in existence is so awesome. That can be hard to find these days.

Their mission couldn't be more clear:
"The Society is built on fundamental principles that drive our mission: that singing brings joy to our lives and world."

I hope you have the opportunity to work in an environment where focus and vision are right at your finger tips.

Two Questions to Ponder:
1. Have you worked at a company where you contributed to the discussion that led to them getting back in focus?
2. How does clear vision help you serve your members/clients better?

Check out the Barbershop Harmony Society website at:

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